威尼斯國際藝術設計獎 / Venice International Art and Design Award 威尼斯國際藝術設計獎源起于意大利,以“設計為嚴肅的藝術服務”為宗旨,致力于打造全球十大權威設計賽事!威尼斯國際藝術設計獎誕生至今,已經(jīng)發(fā)掘了一大批新興的藝術設計力量,引領著人類設計藝術的發(fā)展潮流。衷心邀請世界各大院校設計專業(yè)教師學生和設計機構、設計師或設計愛好者參與;并以“提高人類設計藝術水平”為主要目的,將“設計的藝術性”作為評判標準。 Venice International Art and Design Award originated in Italy, with the purpose of "design as a serious art service", is committed to build the world's top ten authoritative design competitions! Since its birth, Venice International Art and Design Award has explored a large number of emerging art and design forces, leading the development trend of human design art. We sincerely invite design teachers and students, design institutions, designers or design enthusiasts from all over the world to participate. And the main purpose is to "improve the level of human design art", the "artistic design" as the criteria for evaluation.
01|舉辦單位Host Units 主辦:威尼斯國際藝術設計獎組委會 媒體鳴謝:VIADA、Arting365、香港華人藝術協(xié)會、YISAI中國、設計賽事網(wǎng)、ICOGRADA、環(huán)亞競賽、CEIDA、華藝聯(lián)盟網(wǎng)、威尼斯歐亞藝術網(wǎng)、威尼斯之夜新聞網(wǎng)
10|特別申明Special Statement 大賽主辦、承辦方擁有參賽作品宣傳、出版、發(fā)行、展示、展覽的權利。參賽者的參賽作品必須是參賽者本人(或團體)的原創(chuàng)作品,如有不符合參賽要求的作品或作品發(fā)生知識產(chǎn)權、版權糾紛等,組委會將取消其參賽資格,并由參賽者承擔后果。獎賽相關證書、獎杯采用郵寄到付寄達。對本次大賽規(guī)則產(chǎn)生的任何疑議,組委會保留最終解釋權。 The organizer and organizer of the competition have the right to publicize, publish, distribute, display and exhibit the entries. The entries must be the original works of the participants (or groups). If there is any work that does not meet the competition requirements, or there is any intellectual property rights or copyright disputes, the Organizing Committee will cancel the entry qualification and the participants will bear the consequences. The Organizing committee reserves the right of final interpretation for any question arising from the competition rules. __________________________________________________________________________________ 中國 ● 意大利 ● 英國 ● 美國 ● 法國 ● 德國 ● 荷蘭 ● 韓國 ● 日本 北京 ● 威尼斯 ● 紐約 ● 倫敦 ● 首爾 ● 巴黎 ● 東京 ● 上海