
首頁 > 征集信息 > 施工圖 雕塑 景觀 建筑 室內(nèi) 環(huán)藝大賽
信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點擊次數(shù):8110     更新時間:2021-11-10    截止日期:2021-11-26


Haining is located in the south wing of the Yangtze River Delta and the northeast of Zhejiang Province, which is 125km. away from Shanghai in the East, Hangzhou in the West and Qiantang River in the south, being a close layer and important node of Hangzhou metropolitan area. It is committed to building a "city of international quality trend" at a high level and building a medium-sized city of socialist modernization at a high level.
The CBD block in the west of Haining is located in the southwest of the downtown area of Haining, in the south side of Haizhou Road, the west side of Haitao Road, the west side of Haining Avenue and the north side of Luoxi River (section of PingyangyanPort to MajingPort), with superior geographical conditions. This block is a strategic area for the future development of Haining and a key layout to realize the "West Extension" and "South Integration" in the strategy of "East Gathering, South Integration, West Extension, North Optimization and Central Combination" of Haining. According to theOverall Industrial Planning of the CBD Block in the West of Hainingand the North-South development reality of Luoxi River (section of Pingyangyan Port to Majing Port), we should complete the urban design of the block, integrate and optimize the block functions, determine the overall layout, development intensity, traffic organization, ecological integration, style control and other contents, and guide and ensure the development and construction of the CBD block in the west of the city.
Haining Natural Resources and Planning Bureau plans to collectschemes for the International Competition for Urban Design of the CBD block in the west of Hainingfrom excellent urban planning and design units at home and abroad since November 5.

競賽目標Competition Goals研判皮革城區(qū)域、CBD核心區(qū)、洛溪河南北兩側(cè)用地發(fā)展趨勢,結(jié)合該區(qū)域的國際皮革商業(yè)、人文特色,洛溪河南北兩側(cè)聯(lián)動無差異化發(fā)展需求,梳理區(qū)塊產(chǎn)城關(guān)系、依托自然稟賦優(yōu)勢,以全域未來社區(qū)的理念,明確總體功能定位,提出區(qū)域總體形象設(shè)計;對CBD核心區(qū)進行詳細規(guī)劃設(shè)計,打造成用地高效、建筑整體環(huán)境具有時尚性國際性的海寧城市CBD核心區(qū)。
Study and determine the development trend of land use in the leather city area, CBD core area and the south-north side of Luoxi River, combine with the international leather business and cultural characteristics of the region, and the linkage and non-differentiated development needs of the south-north sideof Luoxi River, sort out the production city relationship of the block, rely on the advantages of natural endowment, clarify the overall functional positioning and put forward the overall image design of the region with the concept of the whole region's future community; carry out detailed planning and design for the CBD core area to build Haining CBD core area with efficient land use and fashionable and international overall building environment.

競賽設(shè)計范圍Competition Design Scope本次國際競賽總體城市設(shè)計范圍為由海州西路—海濤路—洛溪河—豐收路—麻涇港—平陽路—農(nóng)豐路—東菱路—桐木港—長水塘港—海寧大道圍合的區(qū)域,面積約5.4平方公里。
The overall urban design scope of this international competition is the area enclosed by Haizhou West Road - Haitao Road - Luoxi River - Fengshou Road - MajingPort - Pingyang Road - Nongfeng Road - Dongling Road - Tongmu Port - ChangshutangPort - Haining Avenue, covering an area of about 5.4 square kilometers.
The detailed urban design scope of the core area is the CBD core area in the west of the city, enclosed by Jiangnan Avenue - Pingyangyan Port - Luoxi River - Haining Avenue, with an area of about 60 hectares (about 900 mu, including water system and roads).

Competition Qualification Requirements
1. Qualification requirements (as any one of the following conditions) of the applying units:
1.1 境內(nèi)申請人須同時具有城鄉(xiāng)規(guī)劃編制甲級及建筑行業(yè)(建筑工程)設(shè)計乙級以上(含乙級)或同時具有建筑行業(yè)(建筑工程)設(shè)計甲級及城鄉(xiāng)規(guī)劃編制乙級以上(含乙級)的獨立法人;
1.1The domestic applicant must be an independent legal person with grade A in urban and rural planning and grade B or above in construction industry (construction engineering) design, or grade A in construction industry (construction engineering) design and grade B or above in urban and rural planning;
1.2 The overseas applicant must be legally registered in its country or region with corresponding planning and design permits. In view of the impact of COVID-19, the overseas design institution needs to have branches in China.
(Notes: 1. the legal person registered in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau shall apply to the requirements for overseas applicant; two or more legal persons parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries and their holding companies whose legal representativesare the same person shall not register for the competition at the same time.)

2.Project team requirements:
The designers participating in the international competition shall be the registered personnel of their design institutions. The project leader must be a designer who has presided over multiple projects of the same type, or a well-known architect who has won important architectural awards at home and abroad in relevant fields, and must be truly responsible for the project and participate in the whole process of the international competition, including but not limited to the project kick-off meeting, survey,important nodes such as interim report (if any), achievement report and review Q & A (including video conference). If the person in charge of the project is found to be inconsistent with the person submitted in the application materials during the international competition, the organizer has the right to cancel his or her qualification. In order to ensure that the designers have an accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements of the international competition, at least one of the core designers shall speak Chinese as his or herfirst language.

3. Design institutions with the following similar project experience are preferred:
3.1 withcomprehensive research ability and practical experience in urban design of ecological city and smart city;
3.2 with abundant design experience in urban planning, urban design, architectural style and public space.
4.The consortium is accepted in this collection with its members not over 2. (Notes: ①the initiating unit of the consortium shall meet the qualification requirements of the applying unit; ② the domestic consortium partner shall with qualification of grade A in urban and rural planning or grade A or above in construction industry (construction engineering) design.
5. 設(shè)計單位所提供的所有資料均應(yīng)使用中文。使用其他語種的資料應(yīng)附有經(jīng)權(quán)威翻譯機構(gòu)核準的中文譯文。對資料的理解將以中文為準。
5. All the materials submitted by the design unit shall be in Chinese. Materials in other languages shall be attached with corresponding Chinese versions approved by the relevant competent translation institution. The interpretation of the materials shall be subject to the Chinese version.

This scheme competition is composed of two stages, namely "institution selection" and "programming and selection". The design unit shall submit corresponding registration materials according to the competition requirements. By holding an expert selection meeting, four shortlisted design units will be selected to participate in the programming and selection in the next stage.

Competition Bonus and Payment Method
The competition bonus is a one-time reward paid to the shortlisted design units. The shortlisted design units shall submit valid competition documents required by the design assignment within the specified time. The selection committee shall evaluate the scheme design results submitted by the shortlisted design units according to procedures and determine the ranking. The design units will receive the following competition bonus (tax included, the same below):
第一名:獲得人民幣220萬元;First prize: RMB 2,200,000;
第二名:獲得人民幣150萬元;Second prize: RMB 1,500,000;
第三名:獲得人民幣120萬元;Third prize: RMB 1,200,000;
第四名:獲得人民幣100 萬元;Fourth prize: RMB 1,000,000;
The finalist units for the next stage deepening will be selected by the benchmarking committee designated by the collection unit.The benchmarking committee will select and choose between the first two design units recommended by the expert selection committee.The finalist units shall further deepen, improve and integrate advantages and contents of other schemes in compliance with the experts' review opinions and requirements of the collection units, and once final achievements on urban design are formed, an additional deepening design fee amounted to RMB 1,760,000 (including agency service fee) will be received.
If the scheme finally submitted by the shortlisted design unit does not meet requirements of the assignment, the organizer may not pay for the bonus and deepening design fee.

Stage 1: online enrollment1、所有報名單位須在報名截止時間2021年11月12日16:00時前掃描以下二維碼或鏈接填報相關(guān)報名信息。報名成功后,代理機構(gòu)將電話聯(lián)系并以郵件方式發(fā)送“報名文件制作指引手冊”,請及時查收。
1.All the applying units shall scan the following QR code or login link to register relevant application information before the deadline at 16:00 of November 12, 2021. The agency institution will call and send "Instruction Manual on Application Documents Preparation" by email. Please check in time.
2、報名成功后,以紙質(zhì)文件提交(可郵寄或現(xiàn)場提交)報名材料。各機構(gòu)應(yīng)于北京時間2021年11月26日16時前,將完整的紙質(zhì)材料提交(可郵寄或現(xiàn)場提交)至杭州市下城區(qū)文暉路42號現(xiàn)代置業(yè)大廈西樓17樓1706室謝海寧 13588039506處,并在外包封上標注“機構(gòu)全稱-項目報名材料-海寧市城西CBD區(qū)塊城市設(shè)計國際競賽方案征集”,郵寄遞交以快遞簽收時間為準。
2.After successful registration, submit the registration materials in paper documents (which can be mailed or submitted on site). Before 16:00 on November 26, 2021 Beijing time, all institutions shall submit complete paper materials (which can be submitted by mail or on site) to XieHaining with an address of Room 1706, 17 / F, West Building, Modern Real Estate Mansion, No. 42 Wenhui Road, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou, the contact number is 13588039506, and mark "full name of institution - project application materials - Collection of Schemes for International Competition for Urban Design of the CBD Block in the West of Haining" on the outer package. The delivery by mail shall be subject to the time of express receipt.
3.This application shall be subject to the paper documents received. All late application materials will not be accepted.
預(yù)計2021年12月3日公布入圍設(shè)計單位,并發(fā)出入圍通知書和征集文件,入圍設(shè)計單位須按要求簽訂“海寧市城西CBD區(qū)塊城市設(shè)計”競賽協(xié)議、保密協(xié)議。Stage 2: determine the shortlisted agencies.
It is expected to announce the shortlisted design units on December 3, 2021, and issue the shortlisted notice and collection documents. The shortlisted design units must sign the competition agreement and confidentiality agreement concerning "Urban Design of CBD Block in the West of Haining" as required.
Stage 3: Site survey, Q & A and data provision.
It is expected that the project kick-off meeting will be held on December 8, 2021, and the site survey and Q & A will be organized. At that time, the project leader of the shortlisted organization must attend the meeting; If the project leader is unable to survey the site due to special reasons, relevant personnel shall be sent to participate after specific consultation with the organizer.
第四階段:最終方案提交及成果匯報。設(shè)計單位準備最終設(shè)計成果,設(shè)計周期自項目啟動會起約70日(含節(jié)假日),預(yù)計2022年3月上旬組織征集成果評審會。Stage 4: final scheme submission and achievement presentation.The design units shall prepare for the final design achievements. The design cycle is about 70 days (including holidays) starting from the project kick-off meeting, and it is expected that the collection achievements review meeting will be organized in the first third of March in 2022.
第五階段:評審結(jié)果公示,并將結(jié)果通知書及中選通知書發(fā)放到各參賽機構(gòu)。Stage 5: the review results will be announced and the notifications of results and finalists will be sent to the corresponding competing institutions.

Publishing Platform
This Announcement will be simultaneously published at China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform, Chinese Government Procurement Website, Zhejiang Provincial Government Procurement Website.
Collection unit: Haining Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
Collection agency institution: Zhejiang Chengtao Tendering Agent Co., Ltd.
Contact person: XieHaining
Contact number: 13588039506

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