
科創(chuàng)新城 • 科技館項目全球概念性設(shè)計方案征集公告

發(fā)布時間:2022-03-16      截稿時間:2022-03-24      閱讀量:8945次     
  Solicitation Announcement of Global Conceptual Design Scheme ofScience and Innovation New City·Science and Technology Museum Project
  I.Project Introduction
  The World SF Convention is the world's most eyed science fiction cultural themed event with the longest history,the biggest scale,and the strongest influence.The"Hugo Award"awarded by the Convention is a major world science fiction award,known as the"Nobel Prize of science fiction world".At the 79thWorld SF Convention held in Washington,Chengdu officially obtained the qualification to host the 81stWorld SF Convention in 2023.This is the first time for World SF Convention to be held in China,and the second time for it to be staged in an Asian city after Yokohama,Japan in 2007.Chengdu---This"Sci-Fi Capital"once again captured the world's attention!
  At present,Chengdu is actively preparing for the 81st World SF Convention,unfolding the publicity and promotion of the Convention,promoting the industrialization of science fiction and popular science,and at the same time promoting the industrial interaction among cities.The Science and Technology Museum constructed in this project will also be the venue for the future Hugo Award ceremony.
  II.Project Overview
  1.Project name:Global Conceptual Design Scheme of Science and Innovation New City?Science and Technology Museum Project
  2 Project site:Deyuan Street of Pidu District,Chengdu,Sichuan,China
  3.Project scale:The gross floor area will not exceed 50,000 square meters(including above and under the ground),and the construction content includes a theater-style Hugo Award venue,a Hugo Museum,a star-themed salon,and other exhibition and supporting functional space.
  4.Design requirements and contents:
  The venue design must comply with the relevant architectural design codes of the People's Republic of China and meet the requirements of the solicitation documents.
  Please see the Design Brief of Global Conceptual Design Scheme of Science and Technology Innovation New City?Science and Technology Museum Project(hereinafter referred to as the Design Brief)for details.
  Chengdu Shudu Urban Construction Co.,Ltd.
  IV.Qualifications and Requirements of Applicants
  (1)Application requirements
  This consultation adopts a global open application method.Design units/teams with relevant design experience in China and abroad may apply for participation.The following qualification requirements must be met upon application:
  1.Applicants in China must meet the following qualification requirements:
  (1)The design unit/team in China must have certification documents of legitimacy within the valid period of operation,and must be an independent corporate legal person or other organization or a legally authorized branch unit;
  (2)The design qualification of Grade A and above for the construction industry(construction engineering)issued by the competent administrative department and the design qualification of Grade A and above for the special design of landscape architecture engineering;
  (3)The parent company,wholly owned subsidiary,and its holding company with two and more legal representatives as the same person must not apply at the same time.
  2.Applicants outside China must meet the following qualification requirements:
  The overseas design units must have legal business and design licenses in the locality.
  3.If the applicant is an agency in Hong Kong,Macao or Taiwan,it must have a legal business and design license in the locality.
  (2)Participation method
  The design unit/team is allowed to apply in the form of a consortium.When applying as a consortium,a Consortium Agreement must be provided.The number of consortium members should not exceed two,and all consortium parties must not participate in the event in their own names or form a consortium with other design units/teams.
  (3)Team requirements
  According to the characteristics of this solicitation,team members to be involved should be the registered personnel of the design unit/team,including but not limited to planning,architecture,and landscape professionals:
  1.If the design unit/team is an overseas unit/team,in order to ensure that the project designers have an accurate understanding of the Chinese background and related requirements,there should be at least one person who is proficient in Chinese among the project designers.
  The chief designers participating this solicitation need to be experienced in presiding design of similar projects,and must participate in the whole design process directly(the chief designer must have at least participated in the work report and scheme review report of solicitations in person).During the event,if the chief designer does not match the team member profile submitted in the qualification review materials,the host has the right to cancel the participation qualification of the design agency.
  (4)Achievements:At least 1 similar achievement in design of large-scale construction project since January 1,2017(subject to the time of contract signing)must be provided,and the achievement must be the winning bid(selected)scheme that has been adopted and is being implemented or has been put into use,and contract or other proof materials.
  V.Application Methods
  1.Application time of this solicitation is 9:00-17:00,from March 15,2022 to March 24,2022(Beijing time,similarly hereinafter).
  2.Application materials may be submitted with the following two methods:
  Method 1:In-person
  Applicants should,before the deadline of application,send paper documents of application information such as the completed application forms and application materials to the following address:27F,Building T1,Fu'nian Square,No.666,Jitai Road,Wuhou District,Chengdu,Sichuan.Recipients:Ms.Luo,Ms.Qiang;tel:028-86610077-5888(the delivery time of materials is subject to the actual time when the materials are delivered to the host,and documents received after the deadline will be rejected).The application materials should be preferably printed on both sides and bound in a volume,and the size of the text should be A4.Submit 1 copy of paper materials and electronic documents consistent with the content of the paper materials(affixed with an official seal,if it is a consortium,all members of the consortium must affix their official seals or sign);
  Method 2:Internet
  應(yīng)征人應(yīng)在報名截止時間前,將填寫完整的報名表、應(yīng)征資料等報名資料簽章后以PDF形式發(fā)送至指定郵箱:2898623197 qq.com,PDF文件應(yīng)按照A4尺寸制作。同時,應(yīng)征人應(yīng)主動聯(lián)系確認(rèn)報名資料送達(dá)情況,并自行承擔(dān)通過電子郵件傳送過程發(fā)生的意外事件導(dǎo)致的報名資料未及時送達(dá)可能造成的風(fēng)險。
  Applicants shall,before the deadline of application,send application documents such as the completed application forms and application materials in PDF format of A4 size after signing and affixing their seals to the designated email:2898623197 qq.com.At the same time,applicants should take the initiative to contact and confirm the delivery status of the application materials,and bear the risk that the application materials may not be delivered in time due to accidents in the e-mail sending process.
  3.For details of application material contents and requirements,please see Appendix 1Solicitation Document of Global Conceptual Design Scheme of Science and Innovation New City?Science and Technology Museum Project,Appendix 2Solicitation Application Form of Global Conceptual Design Scheme of Science and Innovation New City?Science and Technology Museum Projectand Appendix 3Consortium Agreement.
  VI.Consultation Description
  1.This consultation is divided into two phases:Phase I-Open application and shortlisting;Phase II-Scheme preparation and review.
  1.1 Phase I-Open application and shortlisting
  Release global solicitation announcement for open application and shortlist four units/teams after the review of the jury(ranked in sequence).
  1.2 Phase II-Scheme preparation and review.
  The four shortlisted agencies that have passed the final review should submit the deliverables according to theDesign Briefand present their schemes according to the draw sequence;the jury performs comprehensive comparison and evaluation in combination with the deliverables of shortlisted agencies and rank the schemes from No.1 to No.4;the host will submit the recommended results of the jury to relevant department.In principle,the design agency ranked(or sequenced)No.1 will be the selected agency,and the design agencies ranked(or sequenced)No.2~4 will be the shortlisted agencies.(If an agency is confirmed and selected by relevant departments after submission despite a different prior ranking or sequencing,the remaining three design agencies are shortlisted agencies.)And the selected agency will undertake the follow-up design work.The selected agency must optimize the selected scheme according to the opinions of the host,review experts and relevant departments.
  2.In this solicitation,in addition to the selected agency,the other three shortlisted design agencies will receive a design compensation of 700,000 yuan(tax included)respectively;the selected agency will undertake the subsequent optimization(development)design work,and the subsequent design fee(i.e.consultation service contract fee)amounts to 6.5 million yuan(tax included).
  VII.Requirements of Submitted Deliverables
  The contents of the design deliverables must comply with the provisions of the relevant chapters such as design principles,site planning requirements,architectural design requirements,and design deliverable requirements in theDesign Brief.
  VIII.Copyright Issues and Law
  1.The right of authorship in all design deliverables of the solicitation belongs to the design units/teams,while all submitted design deliverables will not be returned to the design units/teams.The host is entitled to use of all design deliverables for free,including announcement of review results after the review,as well as introduction,display and evaluation of design deliverables via media,specialized journals,specialized books or other forms.
  2.Design units/teams should ensure all contents in design deliverables are their original work without any materials infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties.In case of an infringement act,the infringing design units/teams must bear all legal consequences themselves,and will be disqualified from the solicitation.
  3.All materials(text,drawings,electronic data,etc.)provided by the host are protected by copyright.Any unit or individual must not copy,adapt,distribute,publish,lend,or transfer these materials without authorization,otherwise corresponding legal liability will be ascertained according to law,and the unit or individual will be disqualified from the solicitation.
  4.Rules of this solicitation are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.The solicitation work and all documents are subject to the Chinese laws.Should negotiation fail in case of a dispute,both parties agree to submit to the Chengdu Arbitration Commission for arbitration.
  5.Prior to the end of the solicitation,design units/teams or their designers must not disclose,make public or display design deliverables in any form unless the host permits,otherwise the corresponding legal liability will be ascertained according to law,and the units/teams or their designers will be disqualified from the solicitation.
  6.Right of interpretation:The host reserves the right of the final interpretation of this consultation and relevant documentswith the language of interpretation subject to Chinese.
  IX.Solicitation Announcement Media
  China Bidding Website(http://www.chinabidding.com.cn/)
  China Central Government Procurement Website(http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/)
  Pidu District People’s Government Website(http://www.pidu.gov.cn)
  ABBS Architecture Website(http://www.abbs.com.cn/)
  X.Host and Contact Information
  Host:Chengdu Shudu Urban Construction Co.,Ltd.
  Address:Xisheng Building,28 Hegong Road,Pidu District,Chengdu
  E-mail:2898623197 qq.com
  Contact person and contact number
  (Chinese name):
  James Quan(英文):0086-28-60200078
  James Quan(English):0086-28-60200078
  Appendix 1:Solicitation Document of Global Conceptual Design Scheme of Science an Innovation New City?Science and Technology Museum Project
  Appendix 2:Solicitation Application Form of Global Conceptual Design Scheme of Science and Innovation New City?Science and Technology Museum Project
  Appendix 3:Consortium Agreement