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信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點擊次數(shù):8770     更新時間:2021-08-17    截止日期:2021-09-16


In order to comprehensively build the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District and better promote the industrial transformation and upgrading of the District, the District Management Committee now begins the collecting of LOGO designs on a national scale. The event aims to further strengthen the relations of the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District with the public to enhance its public image in the new era to build it into a globally recognizable LOGO image system.



01. 地理區(qū)位優(yōu)勢得天獨厚

Unique Geographical Location


Covering an area of 11.7km2, the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District is located in the core area of the Guangzhou Science City, which is the world’s intelligent manufacturing center situated in Guangzhou Development Zone, and at the intersection of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Technology Innovation Corridor and the Guangzhou Technology Innovation Axis, boasting a unique geographical location.



In the vicinity of the District there are planning three subway lines and two high-speed railway stations, which lead directly to downtown Guangzhou and other cities; the District is only 20 minutes’ drive from the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Wharf, only 40 minutes’ drive from the Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong International Airports, and only 30 minutes’ drive from Hong Kong and Macao through the Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macao Airway. Multiple convenient means of transportation will effectively promote the realization of a “1-hour living circle” in the Greater Bay Area so that the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District can further expand opening-up to the outside world under high standards to achieve higher-quality development of the industrial sectors.



(Several traffic routes that run through the Park, 

including Guangzhou-Macao Expressway, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway and Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway)

02. 新機遇造就蝶變重生

 New Opportunities bring about 

Transformation and Rebirth



On February 18th, 2019, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, proposing to build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and a world-class urban cluster. This is a new measure taken by China to form a new pattern of comprehensive opening-up in the new era. It will further strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao. This will help China to further deepen reform and expand opening-up.                

2021 is the first year in Guangzhou’s “14th Five-Year Plan” period to realize the new vitality of the old city, “achieve excellence in four aspects”, and consolidate and enhance the city’s development potential. In order to give full play to the core driving role of Guangzhou as one of the four major cities in the Greater Bay Area, the Guangdong Provincial Leading Group for promoting the Construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area formally issued the Implementation Plan for the Construction of Guangzhou-Hong Kong Intelligent Manufacturing Cooperation Zone on February 2nd, 2021. The “Plan” requires that Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District should be built with the Guangzhou Yunpu Industrial Zone as the main body, focusing on artificial intelligence, biomedicine and other fields etc., introduce high-level scientific research institutions to cooperate in the construction of functional service platforms such as major technological innovation, achievement incubation and transformation, technological finance and human resources, and create a number of strategic emerging industrial clusters with complete industrial chains and strong radiating driving force. The Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District was officially given the important task of establishing the backbone of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Science and Technology Innovation Corridor.

03. 立足優(yōu)勢,繪就產(chǎn)業(yè)布局新藍圖

Based on Advantages to draw a New Blueprint

 for Industrial Layout







The Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District currently brings together three strategic emerging industries, including new energy, new materials, and information technology, forming an intelligent equipment industry cluster, a new generation of information industry cluster, an advanced manufacturing cluster, and an "Internet +" industry. In the future, the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District will seize every opportunity and give full play to its advantages to achieve development on the basis of “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation” and “science and technology innovation”.

In terms of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation and technological innovation, the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District, which focuses on Hong Kong’s requirements for existing industrial innovation and technological upgrading and transformation, strengthens Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao linkage, industrial connection and rule convergence, and put the advantages of the three regions together to promote the innovative eco-chains of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, innovative factor interconnection and share innovation resources with Hong Kong and Macao. An upstream and downstream industry cooperation alliance, a high-level R&D platform, a platform for the commercialization of technological achievements, and a public service platform are jointly built to accelerate the gathering of high-end international innovation resources, promote the “double circulation” of high-end international and domestic technological innovation elements, and create a new pacesetter in technological innovation for industrial upgrading.

The Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District will make full use of major integrated carrier platforms such as the Beijing-Guangzhou Collaborative Center, South China Beauty Valley and Hydrogen Valley, adhere to targeted investment, focus on artificial intelligence, biomedicine and other fields, carry out industrial chain innovation chain investment, and build an industrial ecosystem with leading enterprises to better promote the industrial transformation and upgrading of the district.

The Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District will focus on Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation and technological innovation to promote the high-end industrial system, the internationalization of innovative ecology, the globalization of innovation elements, and the quality of life in the Bay Area. Forging ahead with the goal of a “double-cycle” hub for high-end scientific and technological innovation at home and abroad, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will achieve a win-win cooperation.

Now an internationally influential new brand, “Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District”, needs to be established to build a globally recognizable public image of “Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation Park” in order to strengthen Guangdong -Hong Kong-Macao cooperation in technological innovation to further promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrials sectors in the District so that it should be able to serve as an important functional zone capable of driving the development of surrounding areas and attracting resources. In order to better strengthen the linkage between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to achieve technological innovation, further promote the industrial transformation and upgrading in the park, and play the role of radiation and aggregation of important functional areas, it is now necessary to build a brand of "Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District" with international influence and global recognition. 

Now we are officially starting to collect LOGO designs for the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District from all over the country. People from all walks of life are invited to come up with creative ideas, and an excellent award winner will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan!









Grand Award(1 winner)

¥100,000 yuan 

Finalist Award (5 winners)

¥10,000 yuan


(The above award amount refers to pre-tax amount. The winners should pay taxes in accordance with the law.Overseas winners should provide personal mainland bank account number to the  staff member.There is no guarantee fee for the designs that fail to win an award.)








The LOGO should be designed in line 

with the public image of the 

“Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and TechnologyCooperation District”.

The LOGO shouldhighlight the idea of 

“Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation” and “technological innovation”

 as well as “domestic and international double circulation”.

There are no limitations to the design style

 or form of expression, but the design must be original, 

novel and distinctively themed.






Designers, design organizations, 

design institution teachers and students at design schools, 

individuals and design teams across China

 (including Hong Kong 、 Macao and Taiwan).








 Start Time: August 16th, 2021

Deadline: 24:00 on September 16th, 2021

(All entries shall be received before the deadline.

Any entries received after the deadline will not be accepted)

Date of Winner List Announcement: October 15th, 2021 

(The time and date will be fixed in a final official announcement)









Way for entry submission: 

Directly submit your final design to our

 official email address sgkjhzygwh@163.com

There is no need to 

provide a registration form or fee. 

If your design wins an award, 

a notification will be sent to your email box.




LOGO design: 

Submit a file in JPG format with resolution of 300dpi 

and size of 210mm*210mm.






Submit an A3 PDF file in vertical layout form, 

with the LOGO design on the upper half while 3-4 extended drawings of the design concept and a textual 

description of the design on the lower half.




Give the mail the following title: 

“Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District” LOGO design submission + submitter’s name. 

Write down the design title and your contact information

 in the mail body.





2. 獲獎作品知識產(chǎn)權(quán)歸屬:所有獲獎作品,投稿人需承諾并認可該作品是受承辦方委托進行創(chuàng)作,獲獎作品的所有權(quán)及包括著作權(quán)在內(nèi)的全部知識產(chǎn)權(quán)歸“穗港科技合作園”LOGO標識設(shè)計活動主辦方所有?!八敫劭萍己献鲌@”LOGO標識設(shè)計活動主辦方在全世界范圍內(nèi)獨占地行使該獲獎作品的知識產(chǎn)權(quán)權(quán)利。



5. 活動最終解釋權(quán)歸主辦方所有。

Statement on

 Intellectual Property Rights

According to the relevant national laws and regulations, the organizer believes that any “submitter” or “author” has made the following irrevocable statement on the copyright ownership of the entry submitted:

 1.Statement of Originality: The final submitted works are all original works of the submitter. The submitted works or any materials used to create the selected works have not infringed any intellectual property rights such as patents, copyrights, trademark rights and any other legal rights of others; the final submitted works are not published in newspapers, magazines, websites and other media. Furthermore, entries are not to be disclosed, published, used or developed in any form until the end of this event. Otherwise, the organizer maintains the right to disqualify entries from the follow-up evaluation and any award, or withdraw the award and reserves the right to pursue legal liabilities.

2.Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights concerning Award-Winning Entries: For every award-winning entry, the corresponding submitter shall promise and agree that the entry is commissioned by the organizer, and that its ownership, as well as all the intellectual property rights including the copyright, belong to the organizer of the “Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation District” LOGO design competition as the permanent exclusive owner of the copyright-related personal rights on a global scale.

3.The submitter promises that the organizer has the right to decide on its own to use, develop, authorize, license or protect the finally chosen entries without any interference or restriction from the submitters or any third party. The above Event can be carried out on any carrier (including the carriers that are unknown in the current cognitive domain), and can also be carried out in any way, including but not limited to written or electronic forms. Any submitter has no right to therefore claim any special rights or share any right and interest obtained by the organizer from the above action.

4.Before submitting your design, please read the above terms carefully, fully understand the content and agree with it. Once you submit your design, you are deemed to entirely agree with all the content of the announcement.

5. The organizer reserves all rights of this Event.




Guangzhou-Hong Kong Science and Technology 

Cooperation District Management Committee








Hotline for Mainland: 


Hotline for Overseas, 

Hong Kong 、Macao and Taiwan:



The organizer reserves all rights of this Event.

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