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作 品 征 集

《2022 Thailand Udon Thani City International Poster Design Exhibition》

Call for Entries


In order to consolidate and develop the traditional friendship of Good Neighborliness and Friendship between China and Thailand, promote cultural and artistic exchanges between the two countries, enhance the brand image of Udon Thani City in Thailand, and commemorate the 100th anniversary of Udon Thani Rajabhat University. The organizing committee takes the opportunity of the expansion of art education and design culture of the two countries to present the new urban connotation and concept, image and style through the dissemination of the city's international poster design exhibition. We extend an invitation to designers and poster lovers from all over the world to participate in an international visual feast with the theme of the city.

Organizer:Thai Chinese Education Promotion AssociationUdon Thani Rajabhat University, ThailandBeijing Silk Road Xinyu Cultural Exchange CenterBeijing Design Society
Exhibition Institution:Visual Design Professional Committee of Beijing Design SocietyInstitute of Visual Design and Education, Capital Normal UniversityInternational Alliance of Design Resources [IDRA]
支持機構(gòu):韓國設(shè)計學(xué)會澳門設(shè)計師協(xié)會中國包裝聯(lián)合會設(shè)計委員會中國印刷技術(shù)協(xié)會創(chuàng)意設(shè)計專業(yè)委員會深圳市平面設(shè)計協(xié)會廣州平面設(shè)計師聯(lián)盟南京平面設(shè)計師聯(lián)盟蘇州平面設(shè)計師協(xié)會創(chuàng)意中國設(shè)計聯(lián)盟全國文創(chuàng)設(shè)計產(chǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)盟 中國農(nóng)林高校設(shè)計藝術(shù)聯(lián)盟
Supporting Institution:Korea Design InstituteMacau Designers AssociationDesign Committee of China Packaging FederationCreative Design Professional Committee of China Printing Technology AssociationShenzhen Graphic Design AssociationGuangzhou Graphic Designers Alliance Nanjing Graphic Designers AllianceSuzhou Graphic Designers AssociationCreative China Design ConfederationNational Cultural and Design Industry ConfederationArt Design Union of China Agriculture and Forestry Universities 支持高校:中國藝術(shù)研究院中央美術(shù)學(xué)院清華大學(xué)美術(shù)學(xué)院首都師范大學(xué)北京航空航天大學(xué)北京理工大學(xué)北京林業(yè)大學(xué)北京印刷學(xué)院北京服裝學(xué)院中國戲曲學(xué)院中國美術(shù)學(xué)院南京藝術(shù)學(xué)院廣州美術(shù)學(xué)院上海大學(xué)蘇州大學(xué)山西大學(xué)河北師范大學(xué)景德鎮(zhèn)陶瓷大學(xué)山東工藝美術(shù)學(xué)院魯迅美術(shù)學(xué)院泰國東方大學(xué)
Academic Support:Chinese National Academy of ArtsCentral Academy of Fine ArtAcademy of Arts & Design,Tsinghua UniversityCapital Normal UniversityBeiHang UniversityBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing Forestry UniversityBeijing Institute of Graphic CommunicationBeijing Institute Of Fashion TechnologyNational Academy of Chinese Theatre ArtsChina Academy of ArtNanjing University of the ArtsGuangzhou Academy of Fine ArtsShanghai UniversitySoochow UniversityShanxi UniversityHebei Normal UniversityJingdezhen Ceramic UniversityShandong University of Art and DesignLu Xun Academy of Fine ArtsBurapha University in Thailand Mahasarakam University, ThailandBuriram Rajabhat University, ThailandHuachiew Chalermprakiet University
Media Support: Sohu, Tencent, NetEase, ifeng.com, TouTiao.com, VisionUnion.com, Art and Design, Packaging Engineering, Design, Packaging & Design, Design Art, Hunan Packaging, Tu Zhichu_ Design Self-Media, Jiao Yan and Liu Liwei Design, Tugejinbu, Poetic Design, etc

i. Thailand Udon Thani City themeii. Theme of the centennial celebration of Udon Thani Rajabhat University in Udon Thani, Thailandiii. Urban freedom theme

1.投稿時間:2022年3月15日—6月15日截止。2.作品提交:作品需提交電子文件和參展報名表,設(shè)計者和機構(gòu)每類限交3件(套)作品。3.電子文件:??作品尺寸100cmx70cm,RGB模式,JPG格式,300dpi。A4尺寸29.7cmx21cm,RGB模式,JPG格式,300dpi。以豎版為準(zhǔn)。4.文件命名方式:作品名稱_姓名_國籍_郵箱。海報命名方式:作品名稱_姓名_國籍_郵箱。5.將投稿作品電子文件和參展報名表(附后)打包發(fā)至組委會郵箱:?????ZTDESIGN2022@163.com或ZTDESIGN2022@hotmail.com  ?????
i. Submission period: March 15, 2022 - June 15, 2022.ii. Submission of works: Works need to submit electronic documents and exhibition registration forms, and designers and institutions are limited to 3 pieces (sets) of works per category.iii. Electronic file: 1, work size 100cmx70cm, RGB mode, JPG format, 300dpi.  A4 size 29.7cmx21cm, RGB mode, JPG format, 300dpi. The vertical version shall prevail.iv. File naming method: Title_Name_Nationality_E-mail. Poster naming method: Title_Name_Nationality_E-mail.v. Package and send the submitted works electronic documents and the exhibition application form (attached) to the organizing committee e-mail: ZTDESIGN2022@163.com or ZTDESIGN2022@hotmail.com

i. The jury is composed of domestic and foreign experts, and the judges will be announced at that time.ii. The exhibition is reviewed, and the results of the evaluation are announced on the relevant media at a later date, and those who are not selected will not be notified separately.

50 awards of excellence, 200 selected works.

展覽顧問:Exhibition Consultants:
Wang Min: Deputy director of academic Committee of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Professor, Doctoral supervisor. member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI), former vice president of International Council of Graphic Design Associations, Changjiang Scholar.   王粵飛:紐約藝術(shù)指導(dǎo)俱樂部(ADC)會員,國際平面設(shè)計師聯(lián)盟(AGI)會員,深圳平面設(shè)計師協(xié)會學(xué)術(shù)委員,深圳市文化基金藝術(shù)評審委員會委員。
Wang Yuefei: Member of Art Directors Club of New York (ADC) and Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI ),  Academic member of Shenzhen Graphic Designers Association, member of Art Appraisal Committee of Shenzhen Culture Fund. 
Cao Fang:Professor, Doctoral supervisor of School of Design, Nanjing University of the Arts.  member of Alliance Graphique Internationale(AGI ), member of Chinese Artists Association, deputy director of Jiangsu Artists Association Art Design Committee.   宋慰祖:北京市政協(xié)常委、民盟中央文化委員會副主任,北京設(shè)計學(xué)會創(chuàng)始人,北京國際設(shè)計周發(fā)起人,清華大學(xué)文創(chuàng)院特聘研究員。
Song Weizu: Beijing CPPCC Standing Committee(Chinese people’s political Consultative Conference) , Deputy director of Central Culture Committee of the Democratic League, the founder of Beijing Design Society, the initiator of Beijing International Design Week, and the distinguished researcher of Cultural and Creative Institute of Tsinghua University   許平:中央美術(shù)學(xué)院教授,博士生導(dǎo)師。國務(wù)院學(xué)位委員會第七屆設(shè)計學(xué)科評議組召集人,中國高等藝術(shù)教育研究院副院長,北京設(shè)計學(xué)會會長。
Xu Ping: Professor, Doctoral supervisor of Central Academy of Fine Arts.  Convener of the seventh Design Discipline Appraisal Group of Academic Degrees Committee of The State Council, vice president of China Higher Art Education Research Institute, president of Beijing Design Society.  策展團隊:Planning Team: 
Jin Jing:Member of Thai-China Culture and Education Promotion Association, Director of Beijing Silk Road Xinyu Cultural Exchange Center, Doctor, Main curator of “2022 Thailand Udon Thani City International Poster Design Exhibition”. 李中揚:首都師范大學(xué)教授、博士生導(dǎo)師、首都師范大學(xué)視覺設(shè)計與教育研究所所長。國際設(shè)計聯(lián)合會會員,北京設(shè)計學(xué)會視覺設(shè)計專業(yè)委員會主任。
Li Zhongyang:Professor, Doctoral supervisor, Director of Institute of Visual Design and Education, Capital Normal University. Member of International Council of Design, director of Visual Design Committee of Beijing Design Society. 于歡:北京設(shè)計學(xué)會副秘書長,創(chuàng)意中國設(shè)計聯(lián)盟執(zhí)行秘書長,全國文創(chuàng)設(shè)計產(chǎn)業(yè)聯(lián)盟執(zhí)行秘書長,《2022泰國烏隆他尼城市國際海報設(shè)計展》策展人。
Yu Huan:Deputy Secretary general of Beijing Design Society, Executive Secretary General of Creative China Design Confederation, Executive Secretary General of National Cultural and Design Industry Confederation, curator of "2022 Thailand Udon Thani City International Poster Design Exhibition".   許力:國際策展人、博士、北京印刷學(xué)院教師。捷克J.E普爾基涅大學(xué)客座教授,CIDEA國際設(shè)計教師聯(lián)盟秘書長,北京設(shè)計學(xué)會視覺設(shè)計專業(yè)委員會委員。
Xu Li: International curator, Doctor, teacher of Beijing Institute of Printing.Visiting Professor of J. Epkina University, Czech Republic, secretary general of CIDEA International Design Teachers Union, member of Visual Design Committee of Beijing Design Society.   張通:首都師范大學(xué)視覺設(shè)計與教育研究所設(shè)計總監(jiān),北京設(shè)計學(xué)會視覺設(shè)計專業(yè)委員會執(zhí)行秘書長,文化和旅游部文化產(chǎn)業(yè)創(chuàng)業(yè)創(chuàng)意人才扶持計劃重點人才。
Zhang Tong: Design Director of Visual Design and Education Institute of Capital Normal University, Executive Secretary of Visual Design Professional Committee of Beijing Design Society, key talents of cultural Industry Entrepreneurship and Creative Talent Support Program of Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. 王佳:首都師范大學(xué)美術(shù)學(xué)院副教授、碩士生導(dǎo)師,北京設(shè)計學(xué)會視覺設(shè)計專業(yè)委員會秘書,《2022泰國烏隆他尼城市國際海報設(shè)計展》策展人。
Wang Jia: Associate professor, School of Fine Arts, Capital Normal University, master tutor, secretary of Visual Design Committee of Beijing Design Society.  curator of "2022 ThailandUdon Thani City International Poster Design Exhibition". 劉明:泰中文化教育促進會副會長,北京絲路新宇文化交流中心辦公室主任,《2022泰國烏隆他尼城市國際海報設(shè)計展》策展人。
?????????????????Liu Ming: Vice President of Thai-China Culture and Education Promotion Association, Director of The Office of Beijing Silk Road Xinyu Cultural Exchange Center, curator of "2022 Thailand Udon Thani City International Poster Design Exhibition". 韋薩姆·馬扎爾·哈達德(美國):哈達德是美國Poster Stellar洲際海報大賽創(chuàng)辦者,發(fā)起人。他也是一位非常出色的創(chuàng)意總監(jiān)、策展人,他在美國廣告和設(shè)計行業(yè)擁有二十年的廣告創(chuàng)意經(jīng)驗。
Wissam Mazar Haddad (USA) : Haddad is the founder of PosterStellar.  He is also an outstanding creative director and curatorwith 20 years of experience in advertising and design in the United States.  明癸秀(韓國):韓國Konkuk名譽教授,建國大學(xué)設(shè)計學(xué)院教授,前任院長,擔(dān)任過韓國VIDAK設(shè)計協(xié)會會長,韓國設(shè)計振興院咨詢委員會委員。
Kye-soo Myung(South Korea): Honorary Professor of Konkuk, Professorand former dean of Konkuk University School of Design, president of Korea VIDAK Design Association and member of ??????advisory Committee of Korea Design Promotion Agency 展覽協(xié)作:陳愷、陳育民、曹汝平、柴俊峰、杜衛(wèi)民、關(guān)洪、郭超、顧群業(yè)、顧鵬、霍楷、黃軍、黃河、黃勇、侯志剛、蔣華、蔣云濤、蔣迎桂、李強、李振宇、李浩強、李僮、李威、李朝勝、李志明、李明亮、劉東峰、劉立偉、劉賁、魯普及、羅時寶、莫軍華、彭軍、彭麥福、覃寶鋼、阮紅杰、饒樂、時澄、沙鋒、史春生、史啟新、石增泉、邵林、譚鐵志、凃志初、王閎民、王志俊、王進華、汪維山、吳煒晨、吳軼博、吳中昊、吳偉、伍立民、謝崇橋、徐偉、徐瑋、肖靖、葉佑天、楊波、楊超、楊霖森、張曉東、張愛民、張昊、張翼、張大魯、張衛(wèi)民、張小娟、張玉廉、張培源、張芳榜、張濤、張勇、鄭中、鄭中義、朱超、 趙超、趙剛、趙文、鄭邦謙
Exhibition Collaboration: Chen Kai, Chen Yumin, Cao Ruping, Chai Junfeng, Du Weimin, Guan Hong, Guo chao, Gu Qunye, Gu Peng, Huo Kai, Huang Jun, Huang He, Huang Yong, Hou Zhigang, Jiang Hua, Jiang Yuntao, Jiang Yinggui, Li Qiang, Li Zhenyu, Li Haoqiang, Li Tong, Li Wei, Li Chaosheng, Li Zhiming, Li Mingliang, Liu Dongfeng, Liu Liwei, Liu Ben, Lu Puji, Luo Shibao, Mo Junhua, Peng Jun, Peng Maifu, Qin Baogang, Ruan Hongjie, Rao Le, Shi Cheng, Sha Feng, Shi Chunsheng, Shi Qixin, Shi Zengquan, Shao Lin, Tan Tiezhi,Tu Zhichu, Wang Hongmin, Wang Zhijun, Wang Jinhua, Wang Weishan, Wu Weichen, Wu Yibo, Wu Zhonghao, Wu Wei, Wu limin, Xie Chongqiao, Xu Wei, Xu Wei, Xiao Jing, Ye Youtian, Yang Bo, Yang Chao, Yang Linsen, Zhang Xiaodong, Zhang Aimin, Zhang Hao, Zhang Yi, Zhang Dalu, Zhang Weimin, Zhang Xiaojuan, Zhang Yulian, Zhang Peiyuan, Zhang Fangbang, Zhang Tao, Daniel Zhang, Zheng Zhong, Zheng Zhongyi, Zhu Chao, Zhao Chao, Zhao Gang, Zhao Wen, Zheng Bangqian

北京設(shè)計學(xué)會視覺設(shè)計專業(yè)委員會視覺設(shè)計:新視互聯(lián) + 周夢輝 展覽翻譯:張嵐、梁平、張昕編輯工作:林詩若、梁芙蓉、苗蘋、趙奇
Visual Design Committee of Beijing Design SocietyVisual Design: Xinshi Interconnection + Zhou MenghuiExhibition Translators: Zhang Lan, Liang Ping, Zhang XinEdit: Lin Shiruo, Liang Furong, Miao Ping, Zhao Qi

Online Exhibition: it will be released on major professional media platforms to display excellent works.Offline Exhibition: China and Thailand will hold the exhibition in a timely manner according to the epidemic prevention and control situation of the competent authorities. Time and place to be determined.

i. There is no charge for this exhibition.ii. The right to disseminate, exhibit, publish and publish the exhibited works shall be owned by the Organizing Committee, which shall sign their authors when they are used.iii. Exhibited works must be original and must not infringe any third party copyright, any other intellectual property rights or patents. If it is found that those who do not meet the conditions, the organizing committee has the right to cancel their participation qualifications at any stage of the exhibition, withdraw the certificate, and the exhibitors shall bear the corresponding consequences.iv. The right to interpret these Rules belongs to the Organizer.

Tel: 18001301667 Liu Ming, 13301198152 Liang PingAll winning and selected works will be awarded the "2022 Thailand Udon Thani City International Poster Design Exhibition" certificate, and the works are to be published in a collection or recommended for publication in professional magazines. At the same time, it can accept domestic and foreign traveling exhibitions.

《2022泰國烏隆他尼城市國際海報設(shè)計展》組委會《2022 Thailand Udon Thani City International Poster Design Exhibition》Organizing Committee

主題海報設(shè)計:新視互聯(lián) + 周夢輝


Exhibition Application Form


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