一 一、活動介紹 第二十四屆“北京電影學(xué)院動畫學(xué)院獎”,將于2024年10月31日-11月2日在北京電影學(xué)院懷柔校區(qū)正式舉行。 北京電影學(xué)院動畫學(xué)院獎(簡稱“動畫學(xué)院獎”)是由北京電影學(xué)院動畫學(xué)院首創(chuàng)于2001年針對原創(chuàng)動畫短片的評獎活動。每年秋季,“北京電影學(xué)院動畫學(xué)院獎”將聚集世界動畫領(lǐng)域的專家教授、資深學(xué)者、知名導(dǎo)演、年輕創(chuàng)作者及愛好者,通過但不僅限于影片展映與頒獎、創(chuàng)作交流、專題講座、學(xué)術(shù)論壇等等活動,旨在鼓勵與推動具有獨立精神和創(chuàng)造性的動畫創(chuàng)作,促進(jìn)動畫創(chuàng)作中的學(xué)術(shù)思考并為熱愛動畫藝術(shù)的人提供展現(xiàn)平臺與互相交流的機(jī)會,營造活躍的動畫創(chuàng)作和學(xué)術(shù)生態(tài)。 活動每年舉辦一屆,在技術(shù)革新飛速的當(dāng)下,“動畫學(xué)院獎”以開放、積極的態(tài)度接受各種創(chuàng)作方式、性質(zhì)以及形式的動畫作品,在追求藝術(shù)與人文價值的同時探索動畫創(chuàng)作與動畫教育的各種可能性。 “動畫學(xué)院獎”組委會將在國內(nèi)外動畫領(lǐng)域內(nèi)挑選有所成就并對動畫具有專業(yè)見解的專家學(xué)者作為評委,在評審過程中,堅持非商業(yè)性原則,充分尊重每一位評委的意見,以作品本身的質(zhì)量為評獎的唯一標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 二 二、組織機(jī)構(gòu) 指導(dǎo)單位: 中國動畫學(xué)會 中國美術(shù)家協(xié)會動漫藝術(shù)委員會 中國電影家協(xié)會動畫工作委員會 北京影視動畫協(xié)會 主辦單位: 北京電影學(xué)院 承辦單位: 北京電影學(xué)院中國動畫研究院 北京電影學(xué)院動畫學(xué)院 協(xié)辦單位:(排名不分先后) 中央美術(shù)學(xué)院 中國美術(shù)學(xué)院 魯迅美術(shù)學(xué)院 四川美術(shù)學(xué)院 廣州美術(shù)學(xué)院 西安美術(shù)學(xué)院 天津美術(shù)學(xué)院 湖北美術(shù)學(xué)院 清華大學(xué)美術(shù)學(xué)院 中國傳媒大學(xué) 浙江傳媒學(xué)院 山西傳媒學(xué)院 北京師范大學(xué) 北京航空航天大學(xué) 北京郵電大學(xué) 哈爾濱師范大學(xué) 內(nèi)蒙古師范大學(xué) 南京藝術(shù)學(xué)院 吉林藝術(shù)學(xué)院 內(nèi)蒙古藝術(shù)學(xué)院 中國戲曲學(xué)院 上海大學(xué)上海電影學(xué)院 北京服裝學(xué)院 北京印刷學(xué)院 成都大學(xué) 河南大學(xué) 武漢理工大學(xué) 華南農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué) 西南民族大學(xué) 吉林動畫學(xué)院 四川傳媒學(xué)院 四川電影電視學(xué)院 遼寧傳媒學(xué)院 California Institute of the Arts加州藝術(shù)學(xué)院(美國) ENSI,l'école des nouvelles images新影像學(xué)院(法國) Gobelins,l'école d'image高布蘭影像學(xué)院(法國) Sheridan College謝爾丹學(xué)院(加拿大) L'école Georges-Méliès喬治·梅里埃電影學(xué)院 Victoria University of Wellington惠靈頓維多利亞大學(xué)(新西蘭) The University of New South Wales新南威爾士大學(xué)(澳大利亞) New York Film Academy紐約電影學(xué)院(美國) Filmakademie Baden Wurttemberg德國巴登符騰堡州州立電影學(xué)院(德國) BIFF FILM ACADEMY釜山國際電影節(jié)電影學(xué)院(韓國) Dongseo University東西大學(xué)(韓國) Ulster University奧斯特大學(xué)(英國) Toronto Film School多倫多電影學(xué)院(加拿大) CULTUREVE法中文化 Busan International Art Festival Organizing Committee釜山國際藝術(shù)節(jié)組委會(韓國) Asia-pacific animation association亞太動畫協(xié)會(澳大利亞) International Animation Art Research Institute國際動畫藝術(shù)研究院(美國) International Animation Film Education Alliance國際動畫電影教育聯(lián)盟(美國) 三 三、活動時間 1.作品征集階段: 2024年07月06日—2024年10月10日 2.評獎階段: 2024年10月10日—2024年10月30日 3.正式活動時間: 2024年10月31日—2024年11月02日 四 四、參賽作品分類與要求 1.動畫短片 A.作品格式高清播放文件MOV(編碼:H.264或ProRes422,分辨率1920*1080或1280*720,暫不接受DCP文件);MP4(請壓縮至1GB以下);所有參賽作品需添加內(nèi)嵌的英文字幕; B.報名表電子版文件(務(wù)必按照要求填寫完整信息); C.填寫動畫作品匯總表; D.作者近照1張(300dpi,jpg格式); E.作品海報1張(300dpi,jpg格式); F.作品靜幀3張(300dpi,jpg格式); G.15秒作品預(yù)告片(MOV或MP4格式); H.有對白的作品,需提交對白文本(中英文)。 2.動畫相關(guān)論文 A.論文類參賽作品提交電子版PDF文件(宋體,小四號字,單倍行距); B.附查重報告,且重復(fù)率必須低于20%; C.報名表電子版文件(務(wù)必按照要求填寫完整信息); D.論文作品匯總表; E.作者近照1張(300dpi,jpg格式)。 五 五、參賽報名表獲取通道 報名資料二維碼鏈接: 微信長按識別二維碼獲取文件 該分享永久有效 報名資料提取碼鏈接: 鏈接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-v8_v3yaM5VCW-V5RtQFBQ?pwd=1tby 提取碼:1tby 掃碼依據(jù)參賽類別下載兩個類別的參賽表格,認(rèn)真填寫“報名表”及“作品匯總表”電子版文件。 注: 務(wù)必按照要求填寫完整信息,特別是作品基本信息、作者信息及聯(lián)系方式,關(guān)系到獲獎信息準(zhǔn)確公示、獲獎證書的準(zhǔn)確發(fā)放。 六 六、參賽方式 線上方式投稿: 請按照參賽作品要求整理相關(guān)作品內(nèi)容,將數(shù)據(jù)文件“報名表+作品匯總表+參賽作品+相關(guān)資料(具體內(nèi)容見四、參賽作品分類與要求)”上傳至百度網(wǎng)盤生成鏈接和下載密碼,文件名為“作品名稱+作者姓名+院校全稱+作者電話”,發(fā)送下載鏈接和密碼至: animafest bfa.edu.cn (注:文件下載有效期需要永久有效) 七 七、學(xué)院獎組委會聯(lián)系方式 郵箱:animafest bfa.edu.cn 地址:北京市海淀區(qū)西土城路4號北京電影學(xué)院動畫學(xué)院C樓419室 八 八、版權(quán)聲明及其他 1、征集作品一經(jīng)確認(rèn)即視為參賽作品,且均不退稿。 2、參賽作品必須為作者原創(chuàng)作品,且參賽者本人或單位必須擁有該作品之完整著作權(quán)。若有第三者對作品提出異議,并經(jīng)組委會查明屬實者,組委會有權(quán)取消參賽資格。違反著作權(quán)之法律責(zé)任由參賽者本人負(fù)責(zé),與學(xué)院獎組委會無關(guān)。 3、參賽作品版權(quán)歸參賽者本人及所在單位所有,組委會有權(quán)在以下情況使用(不另行通知及支付稿酬):參賽作品及作品的相關(guān)資料用于賽事及相關(guān)活動宣傳及出版;指定及賽事授權(quán)媒體發(fā)布、官方網(wǎng)站瀏覽;頒獎儀式;相關(guān)展覽(含巡展)。 4.學(xué)院獎組委會賽后將評選出的獲獎作品編輯成北京電影學(xué)院動畫學(xué)院獎獲獎優(yōu)秀作品專輯及組委會講評專輯,凡報名參賽作品均視為同時同意授權(quán)其作品交予組委會以相關(guān)專輯形式出版成品(包括但不限于音像、電子、網(wǎng)絡(luò)出版物等媒介載體,且僅限用于上述專輯,專輯名稱不盡相同,不包括單個作品出版權(quán))。 The 24th Beijing Film Academy Animation Academy Awards(2024)Call for Entries 1 I.Event Introduction The Beijing Film Academy Animation Academy Awards(referred to as the"Animation Academy Awards")were initiated by the Beijing Film Academy Animation Academy in 2001 to recognize original animated short films. Every autumn,the"Beijing Film Academy Animation Awards"gathers experts,professors,senior scholars,renowned directors,young creators,and enthusiasts from the global animation field.The event includes,but is not limited to,film screenings and award ceremonies,creative exchanges,special lectures,and academic forums.Its aim is to encourage and promote independent and creative animation production,foster academic thinking in animation creation,and provide a platform for showcasing and exchanging ideas among animation art lovers,thereby creating a vibrant ecosystem for animation creation and scholarship. The event is held annually.In an era of rapid technological innovation,the"Animation Awards"embraces various animation styles,types,and forms with an open and positive attitude.While pursuing artistic and humanistic values,it explores the diverse possibilities of animation creation and education. The"Animation Academy Awards"organizing committee selects accomplished experts and scholars with professional insights into animation from both domestic and international animation fields as judges.Throughout the judging process,the committee adheres to non-commercial principles,respecting the opinions of each judge and evaluating the quality of the works as the sole criterion for awards. 2 II.Organizational Structure Sponsoring Units: China Animation Association Animation and Comics Committee of Chinese Artists Association Animation Film Working Committee of China Film Association Beijing Film Animation Association Hosted by: Beijing Film Academy Organized by: Institute of China animation,Beijing Film Academy Animation School of Beijing Film Academy Co-organized by:(in no particular order) Central Academy of Fine Arts China Academy of Art Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Hubei Academy of Fine Arts Academy of Arts&Design,Tsinghua University Communication University of China Zhejiang Media Institute Shanxi Media Institute Beijing Normal University Beihang University Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Harbin Normal University Inner Mongolia Normal University Nanjing University of the Arts Jilin College of the Arts Inner Mongolia University of the Arts National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts Shanghai Film Academy,Shanghai University Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication Chengdu University Henan University Wuhan University of Technology South China Agricultural University Southwest University for Nationalities Jilin Animation Institute Sichuan Media Institute Sichuan Film and Television University Liaoning Communication University California Institute of the Arts ENSI,l'école des nouvelles images Gobelins,l'école d'image Sheridan College L'école Georges-Méliès Victoria University of Wellington The University of New South Wales New York Film Academy Filmakademie Baden Wurttemberg BIFF FILM ACADEMY Dongseo University Ulster University Toronto Film School CULTUREVE Busan International Art Festival Organizing Committee Asia-pacific animation association International Animation Art Research Institute International Animation Film Education Alliance 3 III.Event Schedule 1.Submission Phase: July 6,2024–October 10,2024 2.Judging Phase: October 10,2024–October 30,2024 3.Main Event Dates: October 31,2024–November 2,2024 4 IV.Categories and Requirements for Submissions 1、Animated Short Films High-definition playback files in MOV format(encoding:H.264 or ProRes422,resolution 1920×1080 or 1280×720,DCP files not accepted for now);MP4(please compress to under 1GB);all submissions must include embedded English subtitles; Electronic version of the registration form(must be completed with all required information); Compilation of animated works; One recent photo of the author(300dpi,jpg format); One poster of the work(300dpi,jpg format); Three still frames from the work(300dpi,jpg format); A 15-second teaser trailer of the work(in MOV or MP4 format); For works with dialogue,submission of dialogue text(in both Chinese and English). 2、Animation-Related Papers Electronic PDF submissions of paper entries(font:Song,font size:small 4,single spacing); Attach a plagiarism report with a plagiarism rate below 20%; Electronic version of the registration form(must be completed with all required information); Compilation of paper entries; One recent photo of the author(300dpi,jpg format). 5 V.Application Form Request Channel Registration information QR code link: 圖片 Registration information extraction code link: Download address: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-v8_v3yaM5VCW-V5RtQFBQ?pwd=1tby Extract code:1tby Scan the QR code based on your competition category to download the application forms for all four categories.Fill out the electronic versions of the"Registration Form"and"Compilation of Works"carefully. Note:Ensure complete and accurate information is provided,especially regarding basic work details,author information,and contact details,as this is essential for accurate public announcement of awards and certificate issuance. 6 VI.Submission Method Online Submission: Organize the relevant content of your entries according to the submission requirements.Upload the data files,including"Registration Form+Compilation of Works+Entry+Relevant Materials,"to a cloud storage service to generate a link and download password.Name the files as"Work Name+Author's Name+Full Name of the Institution+Author's Phone Number."Send the download link and password to: animafest bfa.edu.cn (Note:The download link should have permanent validity). 7 VII.Contact Information for the Academy Awards Organizing Committee Email:animafest bfa.edu.cn Address:Room 419,Building C,Animation Academy,Beijing Film Academy,No.4 Xitucheng Road,Haidian District,Beijing,China 8 VIII.Copyright Statement and Others Once submitted,collected works are considered as competition entries and will not be returned. Entries must be original works of the authors,and participants or their affiliated organizations must possess complete copyright of the entries.In case of disputes raised by third parties concerning the entries,and if the organizing committee confirms their legitimacy,the organizing committee reserves the right to disqualify the entries.Participants are responsible for any legal liabilities related to copyright violations,and the organizing committee is not liable. Copyright of the entries belongs to the participants and their affiliated organizations.The organizing committee has the right to use the entries(without further notice or payment of royalties)in the following situations:promotion and publication of the entries and related materials for the event and related activities;release on designated and authorized media outlets;official website display;award ceremonies;and related exhibitions(including touring exhibitions). After the competition,the organizing committee will compile the winning entries into an album of excellent works for the Beijing Film Academy Animation Academy Awards and a commentary album by the organizing committee.By registering for the competition,all participants also agree to grant the organizing committee the right to publish their works in the form of these albums(including but not limited to audio-visual,electronic,and online publications).This authorization is limited to the mentioned albums and does not include individual work publication rights. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MsyWWZCngeNhgAnjawt_7A