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信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點擊次數(shù):9850     更新時間:2024-04-13    截止日期:2024-04-21
  The Essay Contest for
  30th Anniversary of
  SILC Business School
  The warm wind blows away the winter cold and brings the breath of spring.The 30th anniversary of SILC Business School,Shanghai University is about to arrive soon.
  As one of the earliest Sino-foreign cooperative schools established in China,SILC,which represents Scholarship,Innovation,Leadership and Cooperation,has been forging ahead in the pursuit of what its name stands for,and has cultivated countless alumni international perspectives who are well versed in Chinese and Western studies.
  The year of 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of SILC.We would like to invite all the faculty,students and alumni to write essays of good wishes to celebrate it.With text as the medium,the celebration will start with your talent and brightness.
  In the past 30 years,SILC witnesses people comming and going.30 years has slipped away but their smiling faces are still fresh in our memories.We are looking forward to tomorrow with more hopes and good wishes.The stories of the past 30 years deserve to be recorded:with regard to our own past,and with regard to the future.
  We hope you could write down your story and share your moments at SILC.It can be a Thank You that you have not had the chance to say;it can be a warm story that makes you smile on a dull afternoon;it can also be the sour feeling that comes to your mind when you look back on the past when you are walking alone at night......
  We sincerely invite all the faculty,students and alumni to share your stories with us,recalling the 30 years of unforgettable moments that we have been moving forward together.We also take this chance to wish SILC a new chapter in the next thirty years.
  Event Guideline
  SILC will launch an essay writing campaign with the theme of their 30th Anniversary to collect stories from all SILC students,faculty and alumni to express their sincere feelings towards the school.
  1.Memories of SILC:Recount the major activities you experienced or important people you met during your study,work and development at SILC,and your personal experience of SILC’s philosophy,characteristics and spirit of running a school.
  2.Me and SILC:Recount your sincere feelings,fond memories and unforgettable people or events during your study and work at SILC,such as stories between you and your teachers and classmates,and your experience of participating in SILC's rich activities.
  3.Hall of Fame:Recounting your insights and achievements after graduating from SILC or your stories of utilizing what you have learned,establishing your career,serving society,and becoming an outstanding person through SILC’s cultivation.
  Recruitment Object
  All the students,faculty and alumni of SILC,Shanghai University.
  以word/pdf形式上傳,發(fā)送至悉尼工商學(xué)院學(xué)生會外聯(lián)部公郵:silc_wl 163.com
  The Way to Participate
  1.Form of Submission:
  Upload in word/pdf form and send it to the Outreach Department of the Student Union of SILC at silc_wl 163.com.
  2.Submission Deadline:
  April 21,2024 18:00
  Instructions for Authors
  1.There is no limit to the number of words or genre(poetry,recitation,etc.).Contributions should be centered on the theme,be positive in content,and express the most sincere feelings.Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
  2.Format instructions:
  [File and mail naming format]:
  "Theme+your grade and your major/your department position+name+telephone number".
  The essay writing activity will set up the first,second and third prizes,and all the excellent winning works will have the opportunity to be displayed on the public number.
  The final interpretation of this activity belongs to SILC Business School,Shanghai University.
  We looking forward to your sharing.



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