

發(fā)布時間:2019-04-23      閱讀量:9565次     

  The 6th Tianjin International DesignWeek Design Competition Results
  Thecollection and evaluation of works for the 6th Tianjin International DesignWeek Design Competition in 2019 have been successfully completed.Thecompetition,with the theme of“Ideas come from City and develop in city”,collects works for young designers and students under 40 years old worldwide.
  評審團(tuán)老師由意大利著名建筑設(shè)計師保羅·柯蘭多尼,日本著名設(shè)計師黑川雅之以及“自造社”創(chuàng)始人宋濤等老師組成,經(jīng)過初審、終審兩個階段的評審,最終從1000余份作品中甄選出一等獎1名,二等獎2名,三等獎3名,優(yōu)秀設(shè)計獎10名,現(xiàn)將獲獎結(jié)果匯總?cè)缦拢?br />   Thejudges were made up of famous Italy architect Paolo Colantuoni,famous Japanesedesigner Masayuki Kurokawa and Song Tao,the founder of“Zizaoshe”.After twostages of review,finally it has selected 1 of the first prize,2 of the secondprize,3 of the third prize and 10 of the honorable prize from more than 1000projects.The results are summarized as follows:
  2019 Tianjin International Design Week
  Tianjin Design Competition Result
