#編者按 上海七寶德懷特高級中學,是由上海市七寶中學和美國紐約市德懷特學校合作舉辦的,獲上海市教育委員會批準設立,中國教育部備案的上海第一所獨立設置的中外合作高中,中國第一所獨立設置的中美合作高中。 2024年,上海七寶德懷特高級中學將迎來10周年校慶。為此,七徳向全體七徳社區(qū)征集校慶標識和主題句。 QD's 10th anniversary logo and slogan are officially launched! 2024年,上海七寶德懷特高級中學將迎來10周年校慶。為凝練和呈現(xiàn)豐富的校園文化精神,提升七德人的認同感與歸屬感,今年6月,學校通過官微推文,面向七德社區(qū)廣泛征集“七德十年”校慶標識和主題句。 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of QD.In order to commemorate this historic milestone,as well as enhance the engagement and pride among the QD communities,school has posted in June for QD's 10th anniversary logo and slogan selection campaign through its official WeChat account. 號角聲響,應者云集,無數(shù)七德師生、家長、校友和熱心的社會人士貢獻出智慧火花,截至2023學年開學,共收到標識投稿22份、主題句投稿277句。 Thanks to the enthusiastic response and contributions from the QD community,we are so pleased to see that many QD teachers and students,parents,alumni and community members have responded to the call and contributed great inputs to the creation of the logo and slogan.By September 2023,a total of 22 logo and 277 slogan proposals were collected. 部分投稿標識 Some of the submission logos 部分投稿主題句 Some of the submission slogans 在征求七德社區(qū)成員及專業(yè)人士意見的基礎上,經(jīng)上海七寶德懷特高級中學校慶籌備小組評定,“七德十年”校慶標識和主題句今起正式出爐,并投入使用。 After careful consultations with members of the QD community and professionals,and endorsed by the QD's 10th anniversary celebration taskforce,the QD's 10th anniversary logo and slogan are now officially launched. 校慶標識 Logo 水墨版 Ink Version 七德標準色版 QD Standard Color Version 標識內(nèi)涵解讀 Logo Interpretation 本次十周年校慶標識共有兩個色彩版本——水墨版及七德標準色版,將根據(jù)不同的應用場景使用。其設計理念主要圍繞“大?!边@一與七德息息相關的創(chuàng)意元素展開。 There are two versions of the QD's 10th anniversary logo-the Ink version and the QD standard color version,which will apply to different environments.The design concept captures the creative element of“Sea”which has a deep root in QD’s culture and history. 首先,標識的整體形狀結合了書法之美與數(shù)字之妙——遠看是數(shù)字“10”,近看是草書字就的“?!?,圓融地將主題意象“大?!迸c時間節(jié)點“十周年”相結合。同時,標識細節(jié)處保留了毛筆字特有的筆觸紋路,整體看起來非常具有中華傳統(tǒng)文化的古典性與水墨感。 The logo well incorporates the beauty of calligraphy and the number ten-it resembles the number‘10’and the Chinese character‘hai’(sea)in a way that well connects the cultural element of‘sea’of QD with the 10 years anniversary milestone of the school.Meanwhile,the logo is drawn in traditional Chinese brushstroke,creating a texture that delivers both a sense of classic and humanity of Chinese traditional culture. 其次,七德標準色版標識十分恰當?shù)赜眉t藍色差區(qū)分了數(shù)字和漢字的部分。為了使“大海”意象更靈動地貫穿始終,在數(shù)字“1”,也即海的偏旁部首中,展現(xiàn)了潮水浪峰的質(zhì)感,寓意“波瀾壯闊、奔流不息”;在數(shù)字“0”,也即“?!钡挠野氩?,則特地繪制了水滴與海浪波紋,取“涓滴成?!迸c之意。 The logo's colored version leverages the color of red and blue to showcase the different parts of the number 10 and the Chinese character‘hai’(sea).The number‘1’,which is also the left part of the character of‘hai’presents itself with sharp waves of ocean,and represents the spirit of‘surging forward with great momentum’;the number‘0’,which is also the right part of the character‘hai’,leans into the design elements that resemble waterdrops and waves that implies‘uniting dripping water to make a great sea’. 總的來說,十周年校慶標識是七德在辦學十年歷程中確定的校園精神文化的綜合呈現(xiàn),既關注七德價值觀的育人意義,又呼應了校訓“道知情懷德行滄?!钡纳羁虄?nèi)涵。 The logo is a comprehensive presentation of QD's culture.It does not only speak to the educational significance of QD’s value system,but also echoes to the school motto of"Dao Zhi Qing Huai De Xing Cang Hai". 七德是中國第一所獨立設置的中美合作高中,她從誕生之初便具有海納百川的包容性和如同大海一般廣闊無垠的可能性,在她的指引下,期待每一名七德學子兼具大海的寬和沉靜與壯闊無畏,去譜寫更美好的人生滄海。 QD is China's first independently established high school with Sino-US partnership.Since its establishment,it has been showcasing the inclusion and boundless opportunities like a great sea presents.With its guidance and encouragement,QD students will embrace calmness and audacity to create a life journey that realizes one’s aspirations and contributes to the communities that we live and work in. 標識標準色規(guī)范 Logo color specifics 標識設計創(chuàng)意貢獻者 Logo creative designers 25F 宋旸Arlene 24F 李銘聿Evelyn 2019屆校友 饒紫儀Sunny 校慶主題句 Slogan 向善向美向未來 To the good,to the beautiful,to the future 主題句涵義解讀 Slogan interpretation 該句簡潔明了而意味深長,出自正在創(chuàng)制的七德校歌《我們是大海》,既是對七德育人生態(tài)情境的精妙概括,又展現(xiàn)了大海對七德學子的美好祝愿。 The slogan is concise and meaningful,and comes from the school song‘We Are the Sea’.It is not only a summary of the QD education ecosystem,but also expresses good wishes for all QD students. 標識和主題句使用規(guī)范 Logo&Slogan terms of use 1.上海七寶德懷特高級中學10周年校慶標識和主題句的知識產(chǎn)權和使用權歸上海七寶德懷特高級中學所有。 1.The intellectual property rights and the right to use the QD's 10th anniversary logo and slogan belong to QD. 2.該標識和主題句主要用于上海七寶德懷特高級中學10周年校慶新聞宣傳、校慶宣傳品、校慶文創(chuàng)產(chǎn)品、校慶紀念品等。 2.The logo and slogan are primarily used for QD’s 10th anniversary celebration news releases,merchandise production and creative designs. 3.任何組織和個人不得將該標識和主題句用于與上海七寶德懷特高級中學10周年校慶活動無關事項,未經(jīng)學校授權不得將其作為商業(yè)目的使用。 3.The logo and slogan are prohibited to use by any organizations or individuals for matters unrelated to QD’s 10th anniversary celebration.The commercial use of the logo and slogan is also prohibited without the authorization of QD. 4.對校慶標識圖案和主題句內(nèi)容的使用應當完整、準確、規(guī)范。因使用不當造成不良影響的,學校有權進一步追究相關責任。 4.The use of the image and content of the logo and slogan should be complete,accurate and appropriate.QD reserves the right to pursue legal action for any negative impact caused by inappropriate use of the logo and slogan. 5.校慶標識和主題句的日常管理和使用授權,由上海七寶德懷特高級中學校慶籌備小組負責。 5.QD's 10th anniversary preparation team is responsible for the routine management and authorization of the use of QD's 10th anniversary logo and slogan. 鳴謝 感謝所有 “七德十年”校慶 標識、主題句創(chuàng)作者的 熱情參與! Special thanks to all participants in QD's 10th anniversary logo and slogan campaign for your great support and enthusiastic participation!