
首頁(yè) > 資源大全 > 設(shè)計(jì)資源大全 > LOGO/吉祥物
信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):7150    更新時(shí)間:2020-05-24   


Falcon basketball club mascot design competition


Sponsor:Falcons Basketball Club


 Club Introduction

獵鷹籃球俱樂(lè)部于2012年由涂輝創(chuàng)辦,他熱衷于在 北京的國(guó)際社會(huì)中培養(yǎng)青少年和發(fā)展籃球運(yùn)動(dòng)。今天,俱樂(lè)部擁有500多個(gè)家庭,為5-19歲的男孩 和女孩提供課后、周末和假日籃球訓(xùn)練營(yíng)以及籃球 比賽和錦標(biāo)賽。俱樂(lè)部具有國(guó)際化及文化多樣性的特點(diǎn),包括來(lái)自 亞洲、北美、南美、非洲和歐洲多個(gè)國(guó)家的青少年。

Falcons Basketball Club began in 2012 by Michael Tu (Hui) with his passion to educate youth and grow the game of basketball within the international community in Beijing. Today, our organization is over 500 families strong and provides after-school, weekend, and holiday basketball training camps, and competitions and tournaments for boys and girls ages 5-19 years old. Our culturally diverse club includes youth from several countries within Asia, North America, South America, Africa, and Europe.  



 Club Mascot


The mascot of the Falcons club has the subjectivity, which can convey the basketball concept and is the emotional link between basketball and basketball fans. Therefore, it is hoped that through the collection of this club mascot design competition, the mascots which is selected by Falcons with long-term symbolic and symbolic display of culture and style.


 Mascot Collection Background



Now, all the players and parents of the club are invited to join the collect the mascot design competition.

The mascot design can represent the image of falcons. It will appear in various activities, people can interact with it, create a certain communication topic, and at the same time, it can extend the development of some mascot peripheral products to give back to the majority of players and their parents.


 Competition Introduction

一、征集范圍 Candidates:


All players and parents of Falcon Basketball Club 

二、征集內(nèi)容 Theme:


Mascot design draft of Falcon Basketball Club (including mascot image, name and interpretation)

 三、大賽時(shí)間及獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)設(shè)置 Submission Prizes and Bonus


Submission time: from May 25, 2020 to June 7, 2020; 

提交作品方式:報(bào)名者通過(guò)提交原創(chuàng)吉祥物三視圖設(shè)計(jì)方案,并一同提交吉祥物的名稱(chēng)以及創(chuàng)作理念,發(fā)送至官方指定郵箱 kevin.guo@beijingfalconsbasketball.com.

Way of submitting design: the applicant submits the three view design scheme of the original mascot, together with the mascot name and creation concept, and sends them to the official designated email: kevin.guo@beijingfalconsbasketball.com.


All works submitted in accordance with the requirements of the competition will be evaluated internally. The top 5 contestants can get small prizes provided by the Falcons club. The 5 selected works will be put on the WeChat public account of the Falcons club for voting. The works with the highest number of votes will be awarded with exquisite prizes provided by the Falcons club.

 四、創(chuàng)意方向 Originality

1. 品牌度Brand


It can display the will quality of vitality, self-confidence and perseverance, conform to the corporate culture of Falcons club, and transfer positive energy.

2. 傳播度Propagation degree


The name of mascot and its birth process need to have a strong story, memory, easy to create topics, for communication.

3. 應(yīng)用度Application


Mascot image has strong extensibility and application, which can be used in network, peripheral products, WeChat expression pack and other directions.

4. 創(chuàng)意度Creativity


Mascot image design must be original and have a unique design style, If plagiarism is found, it will be disqualified.

5. 美觀度Aesthetics


Mascot design meets the aesthetic requirements of people of different ages and cultural levels, and its image is positive and healthy.

 五、參賽須知 Guidelines for Participants


In order to ensure the fairness and justice of the competition, please read carefully and make designs in strict accordance with the following requirements:

1. 參賽作品須為參賽者自行設(shè)計(jì)或制作,獵鷹俱樂(lè)部不負(fù)責(zé)參賽者對(duì)參賽作品擁有權(quán)的核實(shí),若發(fā)生相關(guān)知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)糾紛,由參賽者自行承擔(dān)相應(yīng)法律責(zé)任,同時(shí)組委會(huì)有權(quán)取消其參賽資格。

The works shall be designed or produced by the participants themselves. The Falcons club is not responsible for the verification of the participants' ownership of the design. In case of any intellectual property dispute, the participants shall bear the corresponding legal liability, and the organizing committee has the right to cancel their entry qualification.

2. 網(wǎng)上申報(bào)作品要求:


Requirements for online application of works:

Send the original design drawings to the solicitation mailbox in the format of author name + work name, such as "Susan Wang + falcons". Email subject: designer information (name + player / parent + contact information. Collect designated Email to send: kevin.guo@beijingfalconsbasketball.com.

3. 每位參賽者提交的作品總數(shù)不超過(guò)5個(gè)。

The total number of works submitted by each participant shall not more than 5.

4. 參賽作品概不退還,請(qǐng)自留備份或底稿,大賽組委會(huì)有權(quán)無(wú)償及非獨(dú)家使用、復(fù)印/復(fù)制參賽作品進(jìn)行相關(guān)的推廣展示活動(dòng)。

The designs will not be returned. Please keep your own copy or manuscript. The Organizing Committee of the competition has the right to use / copy the designs for relevant promotion and exhibition activities with free of charge.

5. 作品須包含三部分內(nèi)容:

The work must contain three parts:

a. 品牌形象吉祥物設(shè)計(jì)方案:包括吉祥物(一個(gè)或一組)、吉祥物三視圖(含:正面、45度角側(cè)面、正側(cè)面、正背面),并設(shè)計(jì)三個(gè)或三個(gè)以上能表現(xiàn)該形象特色的動(dòng)作或表情(萌化表情及肢體動(dòng)作等)、變裝。

Brand image mascot design scheme: including mascot (one or a group), mascot three views (including front, 45 degree angle side, front side, back), and design three or more actions or expressions (germinating expressions and body movements, etc.) and cross dressing that can express the image characteristics.

b. 模擬應(yīng)用效果圖(例如鑰匙掛件、玩具公仔等);

Simulation application effect drawing (such as key pendant, toy doll, etc.)

c. 創(chuàng)意說(shuō)明(包括:形象姓名、性別等基本信息,靈感來(lái)源、設(shè)計(jì)思路、色彩運(yùn)用、生產(chǎn)適應(yīng)性等)。

Creative description (including: image name, gender and other basic information, inspiration source, design idea, color application, production adaptability, etc.)

6. 創(chuàng)作類(lèi)別和手法不限,包括但不限于圖形圖案、插畫(huà)、漫畫(huà)等類(lèi)型。

There is no limit to the types and techniques of creation, including but not limited to graphic patterns, illustrations, comics and other types.

7. 參賽作者需保留300dpi分辨率的可用于印刷生產(chǎn)的位圖源文件或矢量文件。

The author of the competition shall keep the bitmap source file or vector file of 300dpi resolution that can be used for printing production.

8. 主辦方會(huì)在比賽結(jié)束后與獲獎(jiǎng)?wù)邷贤?,進(jìn)行源文件交接。

The organizer will communicate with the winners after the competition and hand over the source documents

 六、注意事項(xiàng) Attention

1. 獲獎(jiǎng)作品的完整版權(quán)將轉(zhuǎn)讓至主辦單位北京笙輝國(guó)際體育文化交流有限公司(或其指定的公司),作者需協(xié)助簽署《著作權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓協(xié)議》;主辦單位享有對(duì)相應(yīng)設(shè)計(jì)方案進(jìn)行再設(shè)計(jì)、生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售、展示、出版等全部權(quán)益;作者保留對(duì)原始作品的永久署名權(quán)。

The complete copyright of the winning works will be transferred to the organizer Beijing Shenghui international sports culture exchange Co., Ltd. (or its designated company), and the author needs to assist in signing the copyright transfer agreement; the organizer has all rights and interests in the redesign, production, sale, display and publication of the corresponding design scheme; the author reserves the permanent signature right of the original works.

2. 全部參賽作品,主辦單位及承辦機(jī)構(gòu)享有對(duì)作品進(jìn)行宣傳、報(bào)道、展示、出版的權(quán)利,須署名作者。

The organizer shall have the right to publicize, report, display and publish all the designs, and shall sign the author.

3. 如果參賽作品在商業(yè)使用中其版權(quán)存在爭(zhēng)議,主辦單位不承擔(dān)因作品侵犯他人(或單位)的權(quán)利而產(chǎn)生的法律責(zé)任,其法律責(zé)任由參賽者本人承擔(dān)。

If there is a dispute over the copyright of the entries in commercial use, the organizer shall not be liable for the infringement of the rights of others (or units) by the entries, and the participants shall bear the legal liability.

4. 如果獲獎(jiǎng)作者放棄履行相關(guān)版權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓義務(wù),則視為棄權(quán)相應(yīng)獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。

If the winning author waives the obligation of copyright transfer, it shall be deemed as waiving the corresponding award.

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  • 頂尖文案
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