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普林斯頓國(guó)際地球海報(bào)大賽 POSTERS FOR THE PLANET
信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):8708     更新時(shí)間:2021-11-28    截止日期:2021-12-31
2021 年 12 月 31 日
受我們最暢銷(xiāo)的《變革海報(bào)》(2018 年)的啟發(fā),普林斯頓建筑出版社邀請(qǐng)藝術(shù)家和設(shè)計(jì)師發(fā)表緊急聲明——代表我們星球的視覺(jué)呼吁。任何與氣候變化相關(guān)的主題的海報(bào)設(shè)計(jì),從可怕的警告到鼓舞人心的行動(dòng)呼吁,都可以提交,以可能包含在地球海報(bào)(2022 年秋季)中。
我們將選擇 50 張海報(bào)收錄在書(shū)中,每張海報(bào)均由不同的藝術(shù)家創(chuàng)作(他們的作品將得到適當(dāng)?shù)恼J(rèn)可)。每張海報(bào)都將印有穿孔邊緣,以便于撕下和展示。本書(shū)的紙張將通過(guò) FSC 認(rèn)證,確保其來(lái)自負(fù)責(zé)任的來(lái)源。部分收益將捐贈(zèng)給四個(gè)氣候變化組織。
更新:我們看到并聽(tīng)到了您對(duì)我們征集參賽作品的反饋。我們感謝您開(kāi)啟這個(gè)關(guān)于藝術(shù)家補(bǔ)償?shù)闹匾獙?duì)話。請(qǐng)接受我們的道歉。我們的團(tuán)隊(duì)將這一反饋銘記于心并進(jìn)行了內(nèi)部討論,并增加了酬金:每位海報(bào)被選中并被列入“地球海報(bào)”的參賽者將在其印刷作品旁邊獲得一頁(yè)完整的學(xué)分和簡(jiǎn)介,100 美元,我們網(wǎng)站的 50 美元信用額度,以及本書(shū)的副本。


“這一系列氣候變化抗議海報(bào)旨在賦予許多聲音并創(chuàng)建一個(gè)平臺(tái),讓人們能夠通過(guò)制作抗議海報(bào)的古老的模擬過(guò)程表明立場(chǎng),反過(guò)來(lái),這將授權(quán)其他人將這些海報(bào)納入街道。氣候變化是一個(gè)需要發(fā)出聲音和抗議海報(bào)的可怕話題,本月的 COP26 聯(lián)合國(guó)氣候變化會(huì)議充分證明了這一點(diǎn)。我們的目的是出版一本書(shū),為人們提供代表地球發(fā)送信息的視覺(jué)工具。我們希望有廣泛興趣和專(zhuān)業(yè)領(lǐng)域的人為這個(gè)項(xiàng)目做海報(bào)?!?/span>

Inspired by our best-selling Posters for Change (2018), Princeton Architectural Press invites artists and designers to make an urgent statement—a visual plea on behalf of our planet. Poster designs on any topic related to climate change, from dire warnings to inspirational calls to action, may be submitted for possible inclusion in Posters for the Planet (Fall 2022).

We will select fifty posters to be included in the book, each one by a different artist (who will be duly credited for their work). Each poster will be printed with a perforated edge for easy tear-out and display. The paper for this book will be FSC certified, ensuring it’s made from responsible sources. Partial proceeds will be donated to four climate change organizations.

UPDATE: We saw and heard your feedback on our call for entries. We thank you for opening this important dialogue on artist compensation. Please accept our apology. Our team took this feedback to heart and had an internal discussion about it, and have increased the honorarium: each entrant whose poster is selected and included in Posters for the Planet will get a single page full credit and bio next to their printed work, $100, a $50 credit for our website, and a copy of the book.

Executive Editor Jennifer Thompson would like to share with you the larger context for the book:

“This collection of climate change protest posters aims to empower many voices and create a platform that allows people to take a stand via the age-old, analog process of making protest posters, which would, in turn, empower others to take those posters into the streets. Climate change is a dire topic in need of raised voices—and protest posters, as was amply demonstrated at this month’s COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. Our intention is to publish a book that would equip people with the visual tools to send a message on behalf of the planet. We hope people with a wide range of interests and areas of expertise enter posters for this project.”





選定的海報(bào)將出版在 PAPress 的新書(shū)中。

如上所述,地球海報(bào)的部分收益將捐給四個(gè)與氣候相關(guān)的非營(yíng)利組織。我們將在 12 月 1 日公布這些組織。

在我們最初的參賽作品征集中,我們也錯(cuò)誤地設(shè)定了提交的嚴(yán)格截止日期,這可能會(huì)限制那些承擔(dān)其他責(zé)任的人,因此我們將海報(bào)提交截止日期延長(zhǎng)至 2021 年 12 月 31 日。

進(jìn)入:請(qǐng)?zhí)顚?xiě)此 Google 表格并上傳您的海報(bào)。該表格將提示您提供聯(lián)系信息、100 字的個(gè)人簡(jiǎn)介、低分辨率圖像文件和圖像標(biāo)題。

As mentioned above, partial proceeds from Posters for the Planet will go to four climate-related nonprofit organizations. We will announce these organizations on December 1.

In our initial call for entries, we also erred in setting a tight deadline for submissions, which may limit those who can enter given other responsibilities, so we are extending the poster submission deadline to December 31, 2021.

TO ENTER: please complete this Google form and upload your posters. The form will prompt you for your contact information, a 100-word bio, low-resolution image files, and image titles.

For any other questions, please reach out to posters@papress.com.



請(qǐng)附上最多五張海報(bào)設(shè)計(jì),如 JPEG、12 × 15 英寸、72 dpi、CMYK(如果您的提交被接受,我們將要求您提供高分辨率 300 dpi 版本)。

請(qǐng)按以下格式命名您的文件:LastName_FirstName_#。例如:Doe_Jane_1.jpg、Doe_Jane_2.jpg 等。

出現(xiàn)提示時(shí),按以下格式列出您的標(biāo)題:#、全名、標(biāo)題、日期、媒體。例如:1. Jane Doe, A Hotter Future, 2021, pen and ink, 2. Jane Doe, Tropical Storm, 2021, digital, etc. 確保每個(gè)標(biāo)題的編號(hào)與相應(yīng)圖像文件的編號(hào)相對(duì)應(yīng)。

請(qǐng)?jiān)谙路芥溄由蟼髂暮?bào)。該表格將提示您提供聯(lián)系信息、100 字的個(gè)人簡(jiǎn)介、低分辨率圖像文件和圖像標(biāo)題。




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